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Media library

In our media centre you can find a collection of news, photographs, video clips, radio reports and documents that follow our work. Unless otherwise stated, VSF has the copyright to all downloadable multimedia files. The publication (print, web etc.) is free of charge only in connection with an article about VSF.

Thursday 30. April 2020 / Category: Report, Maasai, Maasai scholarships, Pastoralists
Tumaini Laban Moreto is the first veterinarian of her people after completing her Bachelor's degree in Veterinary Medicine at Kilimanjaro Training College. | © Veterinarians without BordersYoung Maasai Mnyandoe Laban completed the training "Ordinary Diploma in Animal Health and Production". Since then, Mnyandoe has been providing valuable veterinary assistance on site. | © Veterinarians without Borders

The work of veterinarians is associated with great responsibility for animals and humans. Not only are they experts on animal health. For many pet owners, the vet is also a savior in need, they encourage or give comfort.

In developing countries, veterinary work focuses on livestock farming. Sudan, Ethiopia and Tanzania are those African countries with the largest numbers of...

Wednesday 19. September 2018 / Category: Video, Maasai scholarships

We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO university in Dar-es-Salaam and has successfully completed his two-year diploma course this summer. Now Lucas begins straight with his bachelor's programme, which will take him six semesters to finish.

Lucas sent us a video in which he expresses his thanks. Together with him we would like to...

Monday 27. November 2017 / Category: Report, Maasai scholarships, Fieldwork, Cattle

The so-called East Coast Fever (ECF) is a disease caused by parasites of cattle, goats and sheep in countries along the East African Pacific Coast. It is transmitted by ticks. In Tanzania, there is a general lack of veterinarians for the treatment of livestock.

In order to counteract this and other animal diseases, a project was launched in 2015 to provide training for qualified livestock...

Wednesday 30. August 2017 / Category: Report, Maasai scholarships, Maasai

Our Maasai scholar Lucas has used his summer vacation to raise the awareness for education in his district. Together with fellow students he has launched the group DUMSA (Dar-es-Salaam Maasai Student Association). The students have visited Maasai villages throughout the district and talked about the enormous importance of education, gender equality, an end to child marriage and female genital...

Wednesday 26. July 2017 / Category: Report, Maasai scholarships

Our Maasai scholar Mnyandoe Laban spends the holidays in the village of his family, where he was able to help a calf suffering from a fracture of the right hind leg.

Wednesday 19. July 2017 / Category: Report, Maasai scholarships

Lucas Moreto, one of VSF Austria's scholars in Tanzania, underwent a debate with the examination board at the university. It was about the right of freedom of expression and how it is applied in Tanzania. We are very happy that Lucas has been able to decide this debate for himself and has also passed the exam. In addition, Lucas has completed the first academic year as the best of his class and...

Wednesday 12. July 2017 / Category: Report, Maasai scholarships

The last weeks were very busy for our Maasai scholar Mnyandoe Laban: Apart from the classes he had to take - like in the lab (see photo) - the end of the semester also meant sitting for numerous exams for his diploma studies (Diploma in Animal Health and Production). We are very proud that Mnyandoe successfully finished this year and we wish him time to relax during his summer holidays....

Thursday 30. March 2017 / Category: Video, Maasai scholarships, Africa, Fieldwork, DocKnow, Poor food hygiene, Children, Maasai, Milkprotect, Cattle
Link zum Video von Lucas Moreto, einem unserer Maasai-Stipendiaten

Lucas Moreto, einer unserer aktuellen Maasai-Stipendiaten, erzählt uns in diesem Video, weshalb er sich für ein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften entschieden hat.

Hier geht's zum Video.

Tuesday 21. March 2017 / Category: Report, Maasai, Maasai scholarships
Der junge Maasai Mnyandoe Laban absolviert eine Ausbildung im Bereich der TiergesundheitDer junge, ambitionierte Lucas Moreto wird zum ersten Advokat der Parakuyo-Maasai ausgebildet

Die Jahrtausende alte Kultur der Maasai in Ostafrika ist durch die Globalisierung massiv gefährdet. Mit unserem Projekt "Bildung: Der Schlüssel zum Überleben – Unsere Maasai-Stipendien helfen effizient" fördern wir junge Maasai auf ihrem Bildungsweg, damit sie ihr Volk souverän unterstützen können.

Die Maasai stehen heute vor sehr unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen. Die Folgen des...

Friday 16. December 2016 / Category: Report, Maasai scholarships

Der junge Maasai Mnyandoe Laban hat heuer eine Ausbildung "Animal Health and Production" an der Livestock Training Agency in Tansania erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Wir haben darüber berichtet.

Wir freuen uns sehr über Mnyandoes Entscheidung, seine Kenntnisse noch weiter zu vertiefen und unterstützen ihn dabei mit einem Stipendium!

Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 14



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World Veterinary Day | © World Veterinary Association

World Veterinary Day

The 2024 World Veterinary Day has the theme "Veterinarians are essential health workers"....


VSF International is looking for a Communication Officer

Our parent organization Vétérinaires sans Frontières International (VSF-Int) is looking for a...


VSF-International is looking for experts in the field of One Health | © VSF-International

VSF International is looking for a One Health Expert and an Advocacy Officer One Health

Our parent organization Vétérinaires sans Frontières International (VSF-Int) is looking for new...

Weitere News


John Laffa sends Christmas greetings from Tanzania

Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...

Steam cooking in the traditional way

Sweet potatoes are very popular in Africa. In Tanzania, many small traders sell steamed sweet...

Maasai student Lucas Moreto successfully finishes diploma course!

We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO...

Weitere Clips
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