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FAO sucht Konsulenten für Projekt im Senegal

Die FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) vergibt befristete Stellen für Konsulenten, die ihre Expertise in ein Projekt im Senegal einbringen wollen. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an uns (office@vsf.at). Wir leiten Ihnen die Kontaktdaten gerne weiter.

Hier ist die Stellenausschreibung im original Wortlaut:


FAO Food Safety and Quality Unit is looking for short-term French speaking consultant(s) who would implement/deliver specific activities of the project entitled:  “Building / enhancing early warning capacity in food safety in Senegal”.  

These individual(s) should have broad expertise in food safety/veterinary/public health, good understanding and at least some practical experience in emergency prevention, preparedness and response, outbreak investigation and surveillance. At least some field experience (as facilitator/training instructor) in capability and capacity building projects is essential.  

The activities/deliverables to be completed by the end of 2015:

  1. to facilitate development of national food safety emergency response plan (NFSERP), based on already existing FAO/WHO Guide. Note: The process is already initiated by national counterpart working group and FAO on-site national consultant. Deliverable: Fully developed draft NFSERP to be considered by the country for potential adoption.
  2. to be the main or one of teaching instructors/facilitators in a 5-day regional workshop (to be held approximately) this late Fall for eight West African countries, using the FAO resource materials - Handbook/training package, which is to be translated to French. Deliverable: regional training workshop delivered.

All activities will have to be completed in French. The consultants will have access to technical direction and support, and introduction/review and clarification of all materials to be used for activities 1-2 through direct communication (in English) from FAO-HQ food safety officer. This will be organized via Skype and/or in-person. There could be possibility to extend the contract.





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