
With your financial support you will enable implementation of our projects. Learn more about how it works. Thank you very much!


Our newsletter keeps you informed about our projects. You can sign up here.


Infos for veterinarians

The VACCINATION FOR AFRICA campaign is also known in Tanzania, where there is a great deal of admiration regarding the improvements that are being achieved with the donations!
The VACCINATION FOR AFRICA campaign is also known in Tanzania, where there is a great deal of admiration regarding the improvements that are being achieved with the donations!
Entertainer and animal-lover Christian Clerici supports VACCINATION FOR AFRICA. He and his dog Max often visit participating veterinary practices together.
Entertainer and animal-lover Christian Clerici supports VACCINATION FOR AFRICA. He and his dog Max often visit participating veterinary practices together.


  • Please vaccinate your patients as usual during the campaign week and donate half of your vaccination fees to VSF Austria.
  • VACCINATION FOR AFRICA is an Austria-wide drive that is advertised nationally.
  • Before the campaign starts you will receive free advertising materials, such as posters, folders or online banners to announce VACCINATION FOR AFRICA at your practice.
  • Use this campaign to attract new customers and as promotion for your existing customers!
  • Benefit from the discounted extra vaccines produced by Richter Pharma AG!
  • Are you interested in welcoming prominent supporters to a press event at your practice? If so, get in touch with us!
  • Or perhaps you may have prominent pet owner customers at your own practice? Please ask them whether they would like to support VACCINATION FOR AFRICA. We can help you with the press work.
  • Receive a certificate of participation in VACCINATION FOR AFRICA with a personal dedication by ORF presenter Christian Clerici and actress Lilian Klebow to promote the commitment of your practice.
  • Position yourself as a dedicated veterinarian and support VACCINATION FOR AFRICA!
  • Please inform pet owners in advance about VACCINATION FOR AFRICA and motivate them to participate.
  • The highest donor will be determined among participating veterinary practices. We shall provide a brief review of this practice on our website.

Yours sincerely,

Dagmar Schoder




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VSF International