For many people, especially those who live in arid regions, animal-based foods are the main source of nutrition. Hence, animal diseases directly cause hunger and poverty. VSF supports local people to create basic veterinary care, thus securing the food supply.
Many animal diseases are also a health hazard to humans. This includes tuberculosis, brucellosis and rabies. Direct animal contact and the consumption of contaminated animal foods can lead to disease transfer. Control of zoonoses is thus a great concern to VSF to safeguard the health of people.
Water is the most important factor in the transmission of pathogens to humans. Animal foods, such as meat, that are infested with parasites or bacteria, or milk derived from tuberculosis or brucellosis-infected animals, pose a great danger to human health. Therefore, securing the hygiene of animal-derived foods is also an important task for VSF.
We at VSF try to translate complex scientific ideas into easily understandable language. We want to help people acquire knowledge; explore technical phenomena and relationships; generally to understand, regardless of level of education, age, gender or religion. Therefore, education and knowledge transfer play very special roles at all levels: From the training of animal owners to the establishment of national centers of excellence.
The term "traditional knowledge" refers to the knowledge, innovations and practices of local communities of indigenous and traditional peoples around the world. Traditional knowledge has evolved from centuries of experience; it is based on local culture and the environment, and is traditionally passed on orally from generation to generation. Today the cultures of many African nations are in upheaval. Resultantly, only a few groups now live according to ancient traditions. Indigenous knowledge related to traditional food processing, animal husbandry and medicine is now threatened. The goal of VSF is to preserve these valuable knowledge resources for posterity.
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