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Media library

In our media centre you can find a collection of news, photographs, video clips, radio reports and documents that follow our work. Unless otherwise stated, VSF has the copyright to all downloadable multimedia files. The publication (print, web etc.) is free of charge only in connection with an article about VSF.

Wednesday 21. March 2018 / Category: Report, Vaccination for Africa, Fight back Tuberculosis
Ein mögliches Infektionsszenario: Ein an Tuberkulose erkrankter Mensch scheidet den Erreger via Auswurf aus. Der Elefant nimmt das TBC-positive Sputum über den Rüssel auf. | © Christine IbenExperten befürchten ein Übergreifen der Tuberkulose auf wildlebende Elefantenpopulationen oder vom Aussterben bedrohte Panzernashörner. | © Wolf-Dieter Rausch

Neue Diagnoseverfahren retten Elefanten und bedrohte Wildtiere

Tuberkulose ist neben Aids die weltweit tödlichste Infektionskrankheit für den Menschen und zugleich auch als Begleitkrankheit der Immunschwäche gefürchtet.

Tuberkulose ist jedoch auch die gefürchtetste Infektionskrankheit...

Thursday 01. March 2018 / Category: Picture, Vaccination for Africa, Fight back Tuberculosis

Ein mögliches Infektionsszenario: Ein an Tuberkulose erkrankter Mensch scheidet den Erreger via Auswurf...




CARE 4 DOGS - Medical care for stray dogs. | © Veterinarinas without Borders Austria


Vets all over Austria are vaccinating pets this week and donating half of the vaccination fee to...


Vaccination for Africa 2024 helps stray dogs in need. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Animal vaccination campaign 2024: Every contribution counts

Take part and do good: Get your pet vaccinated and help stray dogs in need! Half of the vaccination...


Not only people, but also thousands of pets have lost their homes due to the war in Ukraine. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Street dogs in Ukraine: surviving the crisis

In Ukraine, not only people are suffering, but also thousands of dogs that have lost their homes....

Weitere News


John Laffa sends Christmas greetings from Tanzania

Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...

Steam cooking in the traditional way

Sweet potatoes are very popular in Africa. In Tanzania, many small traders sell steamed sweet...

Maasai student Lucas Moreto successfully finishes diploma course!

We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO...

Weitere Clips
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VSF International