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In our media centre you can find a collection of news, photographs, video clips, radio reports and documents that follow our work. Unless otherwise stated, VSF has the copyright to all downloadable multimedia files. The publication (print, web etc.) is free of charge only in connection with an article about VSF.

Tuesday 09. August 2022 / Category: Report, Maasai, Sandawe, Environment, Pastoralists
The Maasai in East Africa are one of the many indigenous peoples on our planet. | © Veterinarians without borders

Indigenous people comprise less than five per cent of the world population. Often these people live a life on the margins of society, because their traditional ways of life are considered outdated. Yet, indigenous peoples play a significant role in preserving world’s biodiversity in the ecosystems in which they have lived for centuries. In addition, each of these peoples contribute...

Friday 05. February 2021 / Category: Report, Pastoralists, Global Food, Maasai, Environment
Hirtenvölker, wie die Maasai, pflegen ein sehr inniges Verhältnis zur Natur und ihren Tieren. | © Tierärzte ohne Grenzen

So leisten Hirten weltweit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherheit selbst in den kargsten Gebieten der Erde. Mithilfe ihrer Tiere wandeln Pastoralisten auch die trockensten Pflanzenfasern in Fleisch und Milch um und ernähren damit Millionen von Menschen. Eines aber ist allen Hirten dieser Erde gemeinsam: ihre innige Verbundenheit mit Ihren Tieren.



Thursday 04. February 2021 / Category: Report, Pastoralists, Global Food, Maasai, Environment
Die pastorale Lebensform ist eine der ältesten, die wir kennen, und ist dennoch richtungsweisend für unsere Zukunft. | © Tierärzte ohne Grenzen

Nein? Das wäre jedoch durchaus naheliegend. Denn Hirtenvölker pflegen eine Lebensweise, die zeitgemäßer ist denn je. Der beliebte Slogan „Zurück zur Natur“ appelliert direkt an unsere Sehnsucht nach mehr Nachhaltigkeit und nach einer Welt, die auch in Zukunft lebenswert für uns ist. Pastoralisten leben diese Nachhaltigkeit seit Tausenden von Jahren. Ihre Lebensform ist eine der ältesten überhaupt...

Wednesday 03. February 2021 / Category: Report, Pastoralists, Global Food, Maasai, Environment
Wenn Pastoralisten ihre Tiere auf Weiden führen, richten sie sich dabei nach der Natur. Denn nichts ist wichtiger, als die Artenvielfalt zu erhalten. | © Tierärzte ohne Grenzen

Pastoralisten pflegen einen nachhaltigen und umweltschonenden Lebensstil. Sie passen etwa die Dauer, die sie ihre Tiere an einer bestimmten Stelle grasen lassen, dem Zustand der Weide an. So wird das Ökosystem geschont und zugleich das Pflanzenwachstum angeregt. In Europa ist die Biodiversität überall dort am größten, wo Hirten mit ihren Tieren entlangziehen. Umgekehrt laugt die industrielle...

Tuesday 02. February 2021 / Category: Report, Pastoralists, Global Food, Maasai, Environment
Doku-Serie über die Hirten dieser Erde. | © Neue Celluloid Fabrik

Nicht verpassen! Diese Woche strahlt der Fernsehsender ARTE eine Serie über Pastoralisten auf der ganzen Welt aus. Regisseur Mark Michel begleitete dafür Hirten auf der ganzen Welt bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit. Ein Interview mit ihm über die Einblicke, die er dabei gewonnen hat, finden Sie hier.



Friday 27. September 2019 / Category: Report, Global Food, Environment, Pastoralists, Maasai
Small family farmers, such as the Maasai in East Africa, play an important role for a sustainable future for all of us. | © Veterinarians without Borders

The world population is growing. To feed the world and do it sustainably, an urgent and radical shift in our food systems is inevitable. The United Nations have proclaimed the Decade of Family Farming in order to give this paradigm shift the necessary scope. To foster biological diversity and sustainable food production instead of intensive farming...

Wednesday 08. May 2019 / Category: Report, Environment

Attention to all future veterinarians and physicians! The One Health Summer School will take place in London from Aug. 19 through Aug. 30, 2019. The summer school will focus on major One Health themes including zoonoses, emerging diseases, and antimicrobial resistance. More information about it: <link...

Friday 22. March 2019 / Category: Report, Global Food, Environment
Fresh water source in the area of Sandawe in Tanzania | © Veterinarians without BordersDuring the rainy season, the East African landscape is painted in lush green colour | © Veterinarians without BordersWhen the rains do not fall, the lives of human and animal are at risk | © Veterinarians without Borders

Today is World Water Day. Globally, about 84 percent of extracted freshwater is used for agriculture. According to estimates of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) by 2030 it is expected that agricultural demand for water alone will outstrip available supply (<link...

Monday 20. August 2018 / Category: Global Food, Maasai, Environment

As reported in our blog from 10 Aug 2018, our unbalanced diet presents great ecological challenges for the world. Indigenous peoples, such as the Maasai or Sandawe in East Africa, have been living in harmony with nature for millennia and are vivid examples of sustainability in...

Friday 27. July 2018 / Category: Report, Pastoralists, Environment, Cattle

How do pastoralists in Northern Tanzania perceive the influence of climate change on their herds? A recently published study with the title "Climate change perception and impacts on cattle production in pastoral communities of Northern Tanzania" addressed this issue.

The respondents bemoaned more erratic and reduced amounts of rainfall, rise in temperature and prolonged and frequent...

Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 21




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CARE 4 DOGS - Medical care for stray dogs. | © Veterinarinas without Borders Austria


Vets all over Austria are vaccinating pets this week and donating half of the vaccination fee to...


Vaccination for Africa 2024 helps stray dogs in need. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Animal vaccination campaign 2024: Every contribution counts

Take part and do good: Get your pet vaccinated and help stray dogs in need! Half of the vaccination...


Not only people, but also thousands of pets have lost their homes due to the war in Ukraine. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Street dogs in Ukraine: surviving the crisis

In Ukraine, not only people are suffering, but also thousands of dogs that have lost their homes....

Weitere News


John Laffa sends Christmas greetings from Tanzania

Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...

Steam cooking in the traditional way

Sweet potatoes are very popular in Africa. In Tanzania, many small traders sell steamed sweet...

Maasai student Lucas Moreto successfully finishes diploma course!

We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO...

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