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In our media centre you can find a collection of news, photographs, video clips, radio reports and documents that follow our work. Unless otherwise stated, VSF has the copyright to all downloadable multimedia files. The publication (print, web etc.) is free of charge only in connection with an article about VSF.

Monday 11. October 2021 / Category: Report
IMPFEN FÜR AFRIKA steht dieses Jahr ganz im Zeichen der Bekämpfung von globalem Lebensmittelbetrug. | © Tierärzte ohne Grenzen

TierärztInnen in ganz Österreich impfen in dieser Woche Haustiere und spenden die Hälfte des Impfhonorars für unser Projekt Globaler Lebensmittelbetrug - Zeit zu handeln.

Für Ihr Haustier ist eine Auffrischungsimpfung fällig? Dann kommen Sie einfach in eine der vielen teilnehmenden Tierarztpraxen und helfen Sie uns helfen!

Unseren Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern wünschen...

Monday 27. September 2021 / Category: Picture, Mission Anti-Rabies

Monday 27. September 2021 / Category: Report, Mission Anti-Rabies
80 % of rabies diseases occur in rural areas. | © Veterinarians without Borders/Dagmar SchoderEmbedded in an international network, Veterinarians without Borders Austria (VSF Austria) fights to eradicate rabies. | © VSF International

Rabies is still one of the most dangerous viral infectious diseases in much of the world and is fatal without exception. Around 99 % of all known rabies cases are due to the bite of an infected dog. Therefore, vaccinating dogs is one of the most effective measures to protect animals and humans equally from rabies.


  • 59,000 people die of rabies every year worldwide.
  • 40 % of...
Thursday 26. August 2021 / Category: Report, Global Food, Vaccination for Africa

In Austria, the quality standards for food are very high. Inspections along the whole supply chain are required by law. In developing countries, such as in Africa, controls are often inadequate, public awareness is low and the need for information is high.

Thursday 26. August 2021 / Category: Report, Global Food, Vaccination for Africa
Today, food supply chains are sprawled over the world. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Food fraud is not a phenomenon of modern times. It hast been around since food is being traded for money. The difference from the old days is that the quantities traded are getting bigger and bigger and the supply chains stretch all over the globe. This makes modern food trade very vulnerable to fraud, because the risk of being caught is relatively small.

Monday 23. August 2021 / Category: Report, Global Food, Vaccination for Africa
Lead in baby food affects children's mental development sustainably. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Lead primarily affects the nervous system. Intelligence deficits, motoric or growth disorders occur. For a baby's organism, heavy metals pose an even greater danger than for adults. Because babies utilize food particularly well. They take a fifth of their body weight daily in form of milk. Kidneys and liver are not fully developed yet and cannot detoxify an infant's body to the same extent as in...

Friday 20. August 2021 / Category: Report, Global Food, Vaccination for Africa, Stop Melamin
Dangerous ingredients in foods, such as arsenic, lead or melamine, are an even more dangerous to babies than adults, as kidney and liver are not fully developed yet. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Melamine is a white, odourless powder used, among other things, for the production of plastic and adhesives. When we recall the melamine scandal surrounding Chinese baby food in 2008, unscrupulous fraudsters adulterated milk powder and other dairy products with melamine to fake a higher protein content. The consequences: Eleven infants died of kidney failure and around 300,000 children fell sick...

Wednesday 18. August 2021 / Category: Report, Global Food, Vaccination for Africa
Africa depends on milk powder imports due to food shortages. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Did you know that an estimated one tenth of all food worldwide is circulated with fraudulent intentions? In Africa alone, the estimated number is even higher. The perpetrators are often mafia-like criminal organisations.

For several years now, Veterinarians without Borders has been on the trail of global food fraud. Due to targeted focal actions, we have been able to remove milk...

Monday 16. August 2021 / Category: Report
IMPFEN FÜR AFRIKA steht dieses Jahr ganz im Zeichen der Bekämpfung von globalem Lebensmittelbetrug. | © Tierärzte ohne Grenzen

Unsere Schwerpunktaktion IMPFEN FÜR AFRIKA findet heuer von 11. bis 17. Oktober statt. In dieser Woche impfen TierärztInnen wie gewohnt Haustiere, und spenden die Hälfte der Impfeinnahmen für Tierärzte ohne Grenzen. Dieses Jahr kommen die Spenden unserem Projekt Globaler Lebensmittelbetrug – Zeit zu handeln zugute.


Sie sind Tierärztin/Tierarzt und...

Monday 31. May 2021 / Category: Report
Rangelands Atlas | © ILRI et al.

Over half of the world’s terrestrial surface consists of rangelands. They store large amounts of carbon. Nevertheless, unlike forest landscapes, they are given little attention in national climate plans. The recently published "Rangelands Atlas" illustrates the impressive size of the global rangelands. It highlights the importance of rangelands to climate, flora and fauna and, not least, the...

Displaying results 41 to 50 out of 350

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CARE 4 DOGS - Medical care for stray dogs. | © Veterinarinas without Borders Austria


Vets all over Austria are vaccinating pets this week and donating half of the vaccination fee to...


Vaccination for Africa 2024 helps stray dogs in need. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Animal vaccination campaign 2024: Every contribution counts

Take part and do good: Get your pet vaccinated and help stray dogs in need! Half of the vaccination...


Not only people, but also thousands of pets have lost their homes due to the war in Ukraine. | © Veterinarians without Borders

Street dogs in Ukraine: surviving the crisis

In Ukraine, not only people are suffering, but also thousands of dogs that have lost their homes....

Weitere News


John Laffa sends Christmas greetings from Tanzania

Our Tanzanian employee John Laffa wishes all supporters and friends of Veterinarians without...

Steam cooking in the traditional way

Sweet potatoes are very popular in Africa. In Tanzania, many small traders sell steamed sweet...

Maasai student Lucas Moreto successfully finishes diploma course!

We congratulate our Maasai student Lucas Moreto! As reported, Lucas is studying law at the TUDARCO...

Weitere Clips
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